Children as Artists

The following four videos show Year 6/Grade 5 students working on a piece of art during our “How we express ourselves” unit of inquiry. The central idea is:

“Creative expression involves inspiration, limitation and reaction.”

The students have been through the following process:

  1. Considering our lives so far and the experiences we have had. This includes issues of fairness/unfairness, equality/inequality we have inquired about during the previous unit of inquiry (“Sharing the planet”)
  2. Thinking about which experiences have provoked the strongest reactions in us.
  3. Thinking about which reactions are inspirational as they make us want to do something or to express how we think or feel.
  4. Considering how we may wish to express ourselves using a form of art in which we already have some skills that can be built upon.
  5. Anticipating how people may react to our work and using that to make our work more powerful or thoughtful.
  6. Shopping for resources and materials.
  7. Creating an authentic studio space.
  8. Using a process journal.

The students’ work will be framed and exhibited at an authentic Gallery Opening later this week.

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