Do they know where they’re heading?

This video contains two clips from reading conferences in 4NB. By involving the students in assessing their own work using the Writing Continuum, Nicky has empowered these two students to think about and discuss who they are as writers. The second clip shows that teachers often need to help students to make the connections between what they would normally say about their writing and the language of the writing continuum.

There is a question at the end of the video. It would be wonderful to hear about your approaches to getting students really involved in the assessment of their writing…


  1. Nicky

    Ugh! Video editing of the second clip makes it sound like I did all the talking in that conference! There is a whole section beforehand where he articulates it himself. In the segment here I am actually just paraphrasing what he had said earlier into the language of the continuum. I know that you know that Sam, but anyone seeing only that clip gets a different picture altogether.

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